「サステイナビリティ学 全5巻」
小宮山宏 武内和彦 住明正 花木啓介 三村信男 編
「第1巻」 サステイナビリティ学の創生
著者: 小宮山宏 武内和彦 吉川弘之 梶川裕矢 鎗目雅 増井俊彦 花木啓介
「第2巻」 気候変動と低炭素社会
著者:住明正 三村信男 藤野純一 小澤一郎
「第3巻」 資源利用と循環型社会
著者:花木啓介 小宮山宏 細田衛士 岡澤和好 森口祐一 武内和彦 松田浩敬
「第4巻」 生態系と自然共生社会
著者:武内和彦 鷲谷いづみ A. H. ザクリ 西麻衣子 大黒俊哉 小野寺浩 松田浩敬
「第5巻」 持続可能なアジアの展望
著者: 小宮山宏 武内和彦 住明正 花木啓祐 三村信男
地球持続性の観点からアジアが注目されている。それは、この地域の膨大な人口と産業活動がもたらす環境負荷がきわめて大きく、また、 中国やインドなど今後急激な経済成長をとげる新興国が存在するため、アジアにおける持続可能性の実現は、人類社会全体の持続可能性に決定的な役割を演じると考えられるからである。
Sustainability Science by United Nations University Press
Sustainability Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Edited by Hiroshi Komiyama, Kazuhiko Takeuchi, Hideaki Shiroyama and Takashi Mino
Sustainability science is a new academic discipline that has emerged in response to threats to the sustainability of the global environment. The purpose of this discipline is to help build a sustainable society by developing solutions to climate change, the exhaustion of resources, ecological destruction and other environmental crises that threaten the future of humanity.
Climate Change and Global Sustainability: A Holistic Approach
Edited by Akimasa Sumi, Nobuo Mimura and Toshihiko Masui
Climate change owing to global warming is a paramount concern for society in the twentyfirst century, and it is not an issue that can be solved by individual academic or scientific disciplines working in isolation. Because climate change involves a wide range of interlinked problems, solutions must be pursued in an interdisciplinary manner. This book adopts just such a holistic approach in examining various aspects of global warming, and offers readers a comprehensive overview.
Establishing a Resource-Circulating Society in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities
Edited by Tohru Morioka, Ke isuke Hanaki and Yuichi Moriguchi
This book addresses the wide range of issues associated with sustainable resource-circulating societies. It has a particular focus on Asia, where both population growth and economic growth are increasingly prominent in the global context.
The authors examine theories and visions pertinent to resource-circulating societies, as well as relevant practices and initiatives at all levels—national, local and industrial—and through urban–rural linkages. They also propose an integrative approach combining the concepts of a resource-circulating society and a low-carbon society, both of which constitute fundamental components of a sustainable society.
Designing Our Future: Perspectives on Bioproduction, Ecosystems and Humanity
Edited by Mitsuru Osaki, Ademola Braimoh and Ken’ichi Nakagami
This volume focuses primarily on society at the local and regional levels and on a scenario in which human beings coexist harmoniously with nature. This ideal society is examined in terms of the relationship between villages or towns and their natural environment and how these villages and towns can achieve local or regional independence in the face of pressures toward centralization and globalization.
Achieving Global Sustainability: Policy Recommendations
Edited by Takamitsu Sawa, Susumu Iai and Seiji Ikkatai
The problem of global sustainability is indisputably the most serious issue facing humanity
today. One of the biggest factors in the deterioration of global sustainability is climate change, which has been exacerbated by the entire range of human activities and is inextricably related to modern civilization. Solving this difficult problem requires a drastic redesign of society from all aspects—technological, economic and social. This book looks at how to achieve a more secure level of global sustainability and gathers a variety of recommendations.