We are facing complex problems that threaten global sustainability. Among them are changing climates, loss of biodiversity, depletion of resources, degradation of the environment, etc. Tackling these problems requires a comprehensive understanding of the various interactions among different systems through a multidisciplinary approach. To understand these problems and find solutions, academic and research institutions need to establish networks for communication and collaboration.
This project aims to develop the International Network for Sustainability Science, INSS, which will create a comprehensive linkage among the existing networks of universities and research institutions in the world. Through the INSS, a platform for sharing knowledge on sustainability science can be realized, which in turn will help advance this emerging field.
Three activities are being proposed to link the institutions joining INSS: 1) conduct of joint research and publication of results 2) conduct of education and research initiatives and 3) conduct of meetings among collaborators.
As platform for international knowledge-sharing, INSS (name later changed to the International Society for Sustainability Science [ISSS]) was officially launched in 2011, to be administered at the Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), University of Tokyo.
To read more about ISSS, please visit ISSS homepage.