IR3S is a research institution of the University of Tokyo specialising in transdisciplinary sustainability science of the highest global standards.
IR3S is a research institution of the University of Tokyo specialising in transdisciplinary sustainability science of the highest global standards.
The Japan Hub of the Future Earth is one of the globally distributed Secretariat and it is supported by The Japan Consortium. IR3S is in charge of its administration sharing responsibilities with Science Council of Japan.
Our program promotes a holistic research approach in order to propose visions of a sustainable society by simultaneously solving both global issues such as climate change and regional issues such as the aging of society, natural disasters and poverty.
Working through the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative (GPSS-GLI) in the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, we aim to develop internationally competent professionals who can take both holistic and specialist approaches.
Our program aims to develop an international meta-network of sustainability science while promoting partnerships with private sectors, local governments, NGOs and other organizations that pay close attention to sustainability.
We regularly publish an international academic journal titled "Sustainability Science" as well as academic books in English that discuss sustainability science. In addition, we also publish the Japanese magazine "Sasutena" and other Japanese books.